Схема вышивки крестом Kitty


Когда дизайнеры компании «Санрио» (Sanrio) в Японии придумали Hello Kitty, маленькую круглую мультяшную кошачью мордашку с красным бантом за ушками и без рта, они даже в мечтах не могли себе представить, что она станет мировой суперзвездой, каковой она является до сих пор. Продажи товаров под брендом Hello Kitty составляют половину годового оборота Sanrio почти в 1 млрд. долларов США, а ее мордаха украшает около 50 000 различных видов продукции, продаваемых в более чем 60 странах мира. Видимо, потому, что этот небольшой кот, на вид полуяпонский полубританец, стал настолько узнаваемым во всем мире, что Совет по туризму Японии даже назначил его своим послом в Китае и Гонконге.

Изображение Hello Kitty (перевод: «Привет, киска») было создано японцем Синтаро Цудзи – основателем и владельцем компании Санрио – в 1974 году в результате продолжительной работы, продолжавшейся с 1971 года. Имя у котейки тоже появилось не сразу. Могло так случиться, что его звали бы Kitty White.

Популярность образа «Хелло Китти» продолжительное время росла, но «ничто не вечно под луной». В середине восьмидесятых годов прошлого века кошачья мордаха с бантиком, видимо, стала надоедать потребителям, да и различных брендов в мире появилось неимоверное количество. Надо было что-то предпринимать, иначе сегодня мы бы уже забыли об этой картинке.

Были созданы другие кошачьи изображения, удовлетворявшие вкусы не только маленьких покупателей. Семейство кошачьих неимоверно размножилось. У Китти появились – мама, папа, сестра Мимми и бабушка с дедушкой. Помимо семьи, завелись домашние питомцы – котенок Очаровашка Киска, домашняя свинка и хомячок Сахар. Подтянулись еще и друзья Китти. Вот так собралась довольно многочисленная и дружная компания.

Схема вышивки крестом Kitty

Первый мультик «Хеллоу Китти» появился в 1986 году в Америке и назывался он «Пушистый театр Хелло Китти». Этот мультфильм, выпущенный компанией Санрио совместно с уже несуществующей DiC Entertainment, пародировал знаменитые сказки. Японский мультипликационный сериал из 13 серий «Хелло Китти и друзья» (Hello Kitty and Friends) вышел на токийском телевидении и на телевизионном канале CBS в США в 1991 году. На японском телевидении мультфильм «Хелло Китти» из 16 серий транслировался в 1993-1994 годах. Мультик в 3D-анимации «Хелло Китти» называется «Приключения Хелло Китти и друзей». Кстати, мультики «Хелло Китти» на русском богато представлены в интернете.

Схема вышивки крестом Kitty

Предпринятые меры по укреплению и расширению известности бренда «Хелло Китти» увенчались успехом, и теперь изначально задумавшийся только как персонаж для подростков Hello Kitty, наряду с «Кока-Колой» и «Найк», стал мировым феноменом.

KiTTY Review

Important: Please note that the use of KiTTY could be illegal in countries where encryption is outlawed. Although, I have no authority to provide more information, this website «The Crypto Law Survey» could be a good place to start. However, I am not associated and I do not offer any guarantees that the information found there is accurate. Therefore, if you’re in a country where encryption has any legal limitations or it’s forbidden you should seek legal advice.

Note: There’s no installation process, just download KiTTY and run the program instantly.

Perhaps, the word «a fork» is a little bit unfair for KiTTY project. After all, although all Linux platform looks and act almost the same, there are several notable differences between them. In this case, the only advantage of PuTTY would be: the ability to run on Unix (Linux) platforms while KiTTY is limited only to Windows users. However, KiTTY has its own advantage: it can perform all the tasks of PuTTY plus it’s own collection of features that are missing from PuTTY (keep in mind that the latest version of PuTTY was released in 2007).

After playing with this application I came to this conclusion: you can count on the same stability and reliability that the old PuTTY has to offer. The design it’s the same, the learning curve it’s close to zero if you used PuTTY before and it brings loads of new features. As a conclusion, if you miss a new version of PuTTY, switch to KiTTY — it might be the perfect substitute. If it is, the author would also appreciate a small donation.

The color table¶

The 256 terminal colors. There are 8 basic colors, each color has a dull and
bright version, for the first 16 colors. You can set the remaining 240 colors as
color16 to color255.

color0, color8


color1, color9


color2, color10


color3, color11


color4, color12


color5, color13


color6, color14


color7, color15



Color for marks of type 1


Color for marks of type 1 (light steel blue)


Color for marks of type 2


Color for marks of type 1 (beige)


Color for marks of type 3


Критика и восприятие общественности

Бренд Hello Kitty, выпущенный в свет в 70-е годы в качестве детского, преобразился в марку, которую признают звезды и знаменитости за пределами 25-ти лет. Когда Пэрис Хилтон пронзает красную ковровую дорожку своими лабутенами, она часто несет в руках котенка в виде сумки, а певица Кэти Перри даже назвала один из своих туров именем котенка. И Мэрайя Кэри тоже собирает очаровательных кошечек, чтобы вывалить их на кровать в одной из своих многочисленных спален и сюсюкаться с ними во время посещения телеоператоров MTV.

Схема вышивки крестом Kitty

Но почему любовь к «Хелло Китти» переходит и во взрослую жизнь? Что есть у Китти, чего нет у «Самсунга» и «Тиффани»? Дизайнеры уже давно создали термин – синдром «Хелло Китти». «Мордашка этой кошки соответствует образу маленького ребенка, может быть просто потому, что у нее нет рта и, следовательно, нет выражения лица», – говорит Ларс Рот, преподаватель медиа-дизайна в Колледже народных искусств в Берлине. Действительно, нельзя понять, грустный она или счастливый персонаж. Ее лицо – чистый лист, на котором можно изобразить любую эмоцию. Именно это сделало «Хелло Китти» популярнейшим персонажем.

Популярные статьи  Схема вышивки крестом Пасхальная салфетка

Психологи отмечают, что существует довольно многочисленная категория взрослых детей, которые отказываются взрослеть, брать на себя ответственность и хотят продлить свое детство. Они ищут убежища в сказках и играх. И в это состояние идеально вписывается Hello Kitty вместе со своей продукцией. Бренд «Хелло Китти» – для детей и для взрослых, оставшихся в детстве!

Tab management¶

Next tab
Previous tab
New tab
Close tab
Close OS window
Move tab forward
Move tab backward
Set tab title

You can also create shortcuts to go to specific tabs, with 1 being the first
tab, 2 the second tab and -1 being the previously active tab, and any number
larger than the last tab being the last tab:


Just as with above, you can also pass the name of arbitrary
commands to run when using new_tab and use . Finally,
if you want the new tab to open next to the current tab rather than at the
end of the tabs list, use:

Mouse features¶

  • You can click on a URL to open it in a browser.

  • You can double click to select a word and then drag to select more words.

  • You can triple click to select a line and then drag to select more lines.

  • You can triple click while holding ctrl+alt to select from clicked
    point to end of line.

  • You can right click to extend a previous selection.

  • You can hold down ctrl+alt and drag with the mouse to select in

  • Selecting text automatically copies it to the primary clipboard (on
    platforms with a primary clipboard).

  • You can middle click to paste from the primary clipboard (on platforms
    with a primary clipboard).

  • You can select text with kitty even when a terminal program has grabbed
    the mouse by holding down the shift key.

All these actions can be customized in as described

You can also customize what happens when clicking on in kitty,
having it open files in your editor, download remote files, open things
in your browser, etc.

For details, see here.


Numerous Hello Kitty games have been produced since the release of the first title for NES in 1992; however, the majority of these games were never released outside of Japan. Hello Kitty also has made cameo appearances in games featuring other Sanrio characters, such as the Keroppi game, Kero Kero Keroppi no Bōken Nikki: Nemureru Mori no Keroleen. Special edition consoles such as the Hello Kitty Dreamcast, Hello Kitty Game Boy Pocket, and Hello Kitty Crystal Edition Xbox have also been released exclusively in Japan.

In 1996 Big Top Productions released Hello Kitty Big Fun Deluxe for Mac & Windows with three guest characters Joey Mouse, Cathy Rabbit, and Thomas Bear making appearances within the game.

In 2010, Hello Kitty made an appearance in a very difficult PC game known as «I Wanna Be The Boshy.» She appears as the first boss character. A cut scene plays where the Hello Kitty TV theme starts playing and a tiny Hello Kitty floating on a pair of balloons gradually floats toward the top of the screen, but stops and starts to dance not even halfway to the top. A least a dozen Hello Kitties drop from the top of the screen and start bouncing around the spot the Hello Kitty on the balloons is dancing. After a few seconds of this, a voice says «I hate Hello Kitty, f***ing creeps me out,» to which Hello Kitty gets angry, instantly becomes larger in size, and starts to attack the player.

In 2015, she made a playable appearance in Super Mario Maker in the form of an amiibo costume in the «Super Mario Bros» theme exclusively.

In 2016, she made an appearance in Sonic Dash during a collaboration with Sanrio event.


KiTTY is a fork of PuTTY (started from version 0.62 beta), the most popular Telnet and SSH client for Windows and Unix. It runs on Windows and it has an impressive collection of one of the most requested features that are missing from PuTTY.

Here is a list with most important features: sessions filter, portability, predefined command shortcuts, session launcher, automatic log-on script, URL hyperlinks, automatic command and password, running locally saved scripts in remote sessions, ZModem integration, icons for each session, transparency, unfortunate keyboard input protection, roll-up, quick start of duplicate sessions, configuration box, automatic saving, Internet Explorer integration for SSH Handler, binary compression, clipboard printing, PuTTYCyg patch, background images/transparency, organizing sessions you save in a folder hierarchy and many others that are constantly added. You can find a complete list of its features on the main page — including a description for each one.

Trademark Note 1: Microsoft, Windows and other product names are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

The scrollback buffer¶

kitty supports scrolling back to view history, just like most terminals. You
can use either keyboard shortcuts or the mouse scroll wheel to do so. However,
kitty has an extra, neat feature. Sometimes you need to explore the
scrollback buffer in more detail, maybe search for some text or refer to it
side-by-side while typing in a follow-up command. kitty allows you to do this
by pressing the key-combination, which will open the
scrollback buffer in your favorite pager program (which is by default).
Colors and text formatting are preserved. You can explore the scrollback buffer
comfortably within the pager.

Additionally, you can pipe the contents of the scrollback buffer to an
arbitrary, command running in a new , or ,
for example:

map f1 launch --stdin-source=@screen_scrollback --stdin-add-formatting less +G -R

Would open the scrollback buffer in a new when you press the F1
key. See for details.

Популярные статьи  Hello Kitty в технике Амигуруми: схема вязания самой игрушки и наряда для неё

If you want to use it with an editor such as vim to get more powerful features,
you can see tips for doing so, in
this thread.

Font sizes¶

You can change the font size for all top-level kitty OS windows at a time or
only the current one.

Increase font size
mapctrl+shift+equalchange_font_sizeall +2.0
mapctrl+shift+pluschange_font_sizeall +2.0
mapctrl+shift+kp_addchange_font_sizeall +2.0
mapcmd+pluschange_font_sizeall +2.0 
mapcmd+equalchange_font_sizeall +2.0 
mapcmd+shift+equalchange_font_sizeall +2.0 
Decrease font size
mapctrl+shift+minuschange_font_sizeall -2.0
mapctrl+shift+kp_subtractchange_font_sizeall -2.0
mapcmd+minuschange_font_sizeall -2.0 
mapcmd+shift+minuschange_font_sizeall -2.0 
Reset font size
mapctrl+shift+backspacechange_font_sizeall 0
mapcmd+0change_font_sizeall 0 

To setup shortcuts for specific font sizes:

mapkitty_mod+f6change_font_sizeall 10.0

To setup shortcuts to change only the current OS window’s font size:


Scroll line up
Scroll line down
Scroll page up
Scroll page down
Scroll to top
Scroll to bottom

You can pipe the contents of the current screen + history buffer as
to an arbitrary program using the function. For example,
the following opens the scrollback buffer in less in an overlay window:

mapf1launch--stdin-source=@screen_scrollback --stdin-add-formatting --type=overlay less +G -R


Code Reward
50OFF ? Cheese
EVENT50OFF ? Cheese
GAB220 ? Cheese
Chapter11IsHere ? Cheese
NewColorMinigame ? Cheese
HappyNewYear ? Cheese
CH10ComingSoon ? Cheese
MerryChristmas ? Cheese
CH9SecretEnding ? Cheese
SOM503 1,500,000,000 Cheese
Noodles 15,000,000 Cheese
CH8SecretEndingIsHere 10,000,000 Cheese
CH8SecretEnding 10,000,000 Cheese
superdog 1,000,000 Cheese
YoutuberSkins 5,000,000 Cheese
Snowi 1,000,000 Cheese
NewMinigame 5,000,000 Cheese
gremlintreats 1,000,000 Cheese
NewEnding 10,000,000 Cheese
Ch7SecretEnding 10,000,000 Cheese
ASB771 75,000,000 Cheese
AWG106 8,000,000 Cheese
FreeVipServers 5,000,000 Cheese
NewUpdate 5,000,000 Cheese
CH6IsHere 5,000,000 Cheese
CH6ComingSoon 5,000,000 Cheese
EpicCheeseCode 8,000,000 Cheese
Premiumsalad 200,000 Cheese
BigB 750,000 Cheese
ItsPlasmaYT 50,000 Cheese
Conor3D 250,000 Cheese
SamyMoro 250,000 Cheese
Gravy 500,000 Cheese
Karola20 500,000 Cheese
FancySmash 250,000 Cheese
Barunka 100,000 Cheese
CALIXO 750,000 Cheese
Cerso 1,000,000 Cheese
ThinkNoodles 2,000,000 Cheese
CH5SecretEnding 1,000,000 Cheese
Vexo 200,000 Cheese
GamingDan 150,000 Cheese
Whisper 50,000 Cheese
Santy22 50000 Cheese
FrostyBlox 20,000 Cheese
Rovichuelos 500,000 Cheese
Clausamoro 100,000 Cheese
500MVisits 5,000,000 Cheese
RGCFamily5K 15,000 Cheese
KreekCraft 50,000 Cheese
Raconidas 35,000 Cheese
InfectionModeIsHere 100,000 Cheese
SubToGoldLeaf 50,000 Cheese
Chapter4IsNow 500,000 Cheese
Chapter4Date08/21 40,000 Cheese
crystal 15,000 Cheese
PEPE 15,000 Cheese
MateoAventuras 5,000 Cheese
CodeFancy 3,000 Cheese
KittyHappyDanc3 150,000 Cheese
1MillionFavs 500,000 Cheese
Noangy2 2,000 Cheese
ByN 2,000 Cheese
IJustMemo 5,000 Cheese
25,000 Cheese
UP5NOW 100,000 Cheese
10KUsers 10,000 Cheese
150,000 Cheese
Cerditos 3,000 Cheese
Betroner 2,000 Cheese
CodexGeas 2,000 Cheese
Myster0y 2000 Cheese
Premiumsalad 2,000 Cheese
Rovi23 2,000 Cheese
Gravy 2,000 Cheese
BigB2 2,000 Cheese
CH3Now 10,000 Cheese
GamingDan 1,000 Cheese
CroatianPIays 1,000 Cheese
F2TM 1,000 Cheese
Tytex 1,000 Cheese
RGCFamily 1,000 Cheese
clausamoro 1,000 Cheese
250kgroupmembers 25,000 Cheese
RGCFamily5 1,000 Cheese
RGCFamily4 1,000 Cheese
RGCFamily3 1,000 Cheese
RGCFamily2 1,000 Cheese
RGCFamily1 1,000 Cheese
update4ishere 1,500 Cheese
CoesDix 500 Cheese
Flamingo 5,000 Cheese
titani 2,000 Cheese
finalendingch2 1,000 Cheese
emperadormaxi 500 Cheese
FGTeeV 2,000 Cheese
elseniorrx 1,000 Cheese
TinenQa 1,000 Cheese
Manucraft 1,000 Cheese
Rovi 1,000 Cheese
ch2open 4,500 Cheese
Cerso 1,000 Cheese
Redro3 800 Cheese
memonoob 1 Cheese
igisgabstudio 2,000 Cheese
newcode 4,000 Cheese
codigo5 1,000 Cheese
codigo4 1,000 Cheese
codigo3 1,000 Cheese
codigo2 1,000 Cheese
codigo1 1,000 Cheese
seniorrx 1,500 Cheese
mortadela 2,000 Cheese
ch2coming 5,000 Cheese
(Expired Cheese) 1,695,047,301 Cheese


Copy to clipboard

There is also a action that can be optionally mapped
to Ctrl+c. It will copy only if there is a selection and send an
interrupt otherwise. Similarly, will copy
and clear the selection or send an interrupt if there is no selection.

Paste from clipboard
Paste from selection
Pass selection to program

You can also pass the contents of the current selection to any program using
. By default, the system’s open program is used, but
you can specify your own, the selection will be passed as a command line argument to the program,
for example:


You can pass the current selection to a terminal program running in a new kitty
window, by using the @selection placeholder:

More Images

Kitty and Robert talking to each other.

Kitty screaming.

Confident Kitty.

Kitty with her eyes closed.

Kitty thinking.

Kitty in a kimono from Hello Kitty Animation Theater vol.1.

Kitty relaxing.

Kitty says sorry.

Kitty has something for Prince Edwin.

Kitty cries.

Kitty relaxing. (Full screenshot)

Kitty sad.

Kitty relaxing in a comfortable chair.

With Yuna/Yuuna Shigemura, from Sword Art Online

Kitty puts her hand on her chest.

An Easter Hello Kitty plush toy.

Kitty sits down with gray paw pads and a black nose.

A plush toy of Hello Kitty dressed up as a black cat.

Kitty looks unamused.

Kitty as she appears in Supercute Adventures

Hello Kitty as she appears in a Pakistani McDonald’s Commercial

With Friends and Family

Kitty, Mimmy, and Mama having a picnic at the beach.

Kitty, Mimmy, and My Melody sliding on a rainbow.

With Mimmy

With Mimmy

With Mimmy

With Mimmy

With Mimmy

With Mimmy

With Mimmy in Sam to Chip no wa Hachamecha Dai Race

With Tiny Chum

With Tiny Chum

With Tiny Chum

With Tiny Chum

With Tiny Chum

With Tiny Chum

With Tiny Chum

With Tiny Chum

With Tiny Chum

With Tiny Chum

With Tiny Chum

With Joey

With Joey

With Joey

With Joey

With Joey

With Joey

With Joey

With Joey

With Tim

With Tim

With Dear Daniel

With Badtz-Maru

With Charmmy Kitty

With Charmmy Kitty

With Charmmy Kitty

With Charmmy Kitty

With Charmmy Kitty

With Charmmy Kitty

With Charmmy Kitty

With Grandpa

With Mama

With Mama and Mimmy

With Judy, Mimmy, Fifi

With Joey, Cathy, Tippy

With Little Twin Stars, My Melody, Dear Daniel, Patty & Jimmy

With Mimmy surfing at the beach.

Kitty and Mimmy look at Mama talk.

Kitty and Mimmy in the snowstorm. (Animated)

Kitty and Mimmy laugh together.

With Mimmy at the beach.

Bored Kitty and Mimmy.

Hello kitty and tuxedo sa

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July 4th

New Year


Valentine’s Day

With Joey (Christmas)

With Joey (New Year)

With Joey (New Year)

With Dear Daniel (Earth Day)

With Dear Daniel (Valentine’s Day)

With Keroppi, My Melody, Chococat, Pompompurin (Christmas)

Year of the Monkey



In May 2008, Japan named Hello Kitty the ambassador of Japanese tourism in both China and Hong Kong, which are two places where the character is exceptionally popular among children and young women. This marked the first time Japan’s tourism ministry had appointed a fictional character to the role.

Hello Kitty’s popularity began waning in Japan before the year 2000. In 2002, Hello Kitty lost her place as the top-grossing character in Japan in the Character Databank popularity chart and has never recovered. In a 2010 survey, she was in third place behind Anpanman and Pikachu from Pokémon.

As of August 2007, Thai police officers who have committed minor transgressions such as showing up late or parking in the wrong place are forced to wear pink Hello Kitty armbands for several days as penance.

During the financial crisis of 2007–2010, a poster of a Hello Kitty pre-paid debit card expanded to roughly 1 meter in length was displayed on the floor of the US Senate by Senator Byron Dorgan as a demonstration of extreme methods used by credit companies to attract «children 10 to 14 years of age». Though not an actual credit card, it was criticized for its promotional website encouraging users to «shop ’til you drop.»

For the 50th anniversary of Sanrio, Sanrio and Girl Skateboards collaborated and released skateboards with a Hello Kitty graphic. There is a Hello Kitty store in Africa opening 2013.

As of August, 28th, 2014 it was rumored Hello Kitty is a human girl and not a cat. However, it has been confirmed that Hello Kitty is actually a gijinka (anthropomorphic) cat and not human.

There is a themed restaurant named Hello Kitty Sweets in Taipei, Taiwan. The restaurant’s decor and many of its dishes are designed after the Hello Kitty character.

Hello Kitty is included as part of the Sanrio livery at the Japanese theme parks Harmonyland and Sanrio Puroland.

The Hello Kitty brand rose to greater prominence during the late 1990s. At that time, several celebrities, such as Mariah Carey and Lady Gaga, had adopted Hello Kitty as a fashion statement.

Hello Kitty cameos with Keroppi and Badtz-Maru in the first few minutes of the 2018 film Ready Player One. Kitty also gets a few more appearances in the film such as a motorcycle decal and as a costume.

On April 21, 2020 Hello Kitty made an official crossover live action video called Shimajiro & Hello Kitty in Exercise with Friends in which the mascots of Shimajiro and Hello Kitty joins together to get people to dance and exercise during the Coronavirus pandemic.

There are also many songs based on Hello Kitty. 2 of the most popular are by Slayyyter & Avril Lavigne

Startup Sessions¶

You can control the , layout,
working directory, startup programs,
etc. by creating a “session” file and using the
command line flag or the option in .
For example:

# Set the layout for the current tab
layout tall
# Set the working directory for windows in the current tab
cd ~
# Create a window and run the specified command in it
launch zsh
# Create a window with some environment variables set and run
# vim in it
launch --env FOO=BAR vim
# Set the title for the next window
launch --title "Chat with x" irssi --profile x

# Create a new tab (the part after new_tab is the optional tab
# name which will be displayed in the tab bar, if omitted, the
# title of the active window will be used instead)
new_tab my tab
cd ~/somewhere
# Set the layouts allowed in this tab
enabled_layouts tall, stack
# Set the current layout
layout stack
launch zsh

# Create a new OS window
# set new window size to 80x25 cells
os_window_size 80c 25c
# set the --class for the new OS window
os_window_class mywindow
launch sh
# Make the current window the active (focused) window
launch emacs


A is an arrangement of multiple
inside a top-level . The layout manages all its
windows automatically, resizing and moving them as needed. You can create a new
using the key combination.

Currently, there are seven layouts available:

  • Fat – One (or optionally more) windows are shown full width on the top, the rest of the windows are shown side-by-side on the bottom

  • Grid – All windows are shown in a grid

  • Horizontal – All windows are shown side-by-side

  • Splits – Windows arranged in arbitrary patterns created using horizontal and vertical splits

  • Stack – Only a single maximized window is shown at a time

  • Tall – One (or optionally more) windows are shown full height on the left, the rest of the windows are shown one below the other on the right

  • Vertical – All windows are shown one below the other

By default, all layouts are enabled and you can switch between layouts using
the key combination. You can also create shortcuts to select
particular layouts, and choose which layouts you want to enable/disable, see
for examples. The first layout listed in
becomes the default layout.

For more details on the layouts and how to use them see the documentation.

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